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The Upper Texas Gulf Coast and South Louisiana have yielded large reserves since the inception of the oil industry. The geological complexity, favorable reservoir properties and evolving exploration technology have contributed to the longevity of this basin. Given the 2,200 square miles of 3-D data licensed, the footprint Zenith has selected covers large portions of the Miocene, Frio/Hackberry/Vicksburg, Yegua/Cook Mountain and Wilcox Formations. We look to extend productive trends along strike and down-dip while also capturing unrecognized, low risk exploitation locations. Most prospects are AVO compliant to mitigate risk.
After price support, Zenith views the following as keys to success: 
  • Quality Prospects from Experienced, Industry Recognized Oil-Finders
  • Highest degree of Technical "Reprocessing" is Paramount to Industry Advantage
  • Inventory Adaptive to Commodity Price Shifts
  • Vigilance in Cost Control During Leasing, Drilling, Completion & Production
  • Effective Time Management of Decision Making & Actionable Events
  • Communication During All Phases
Jericho Prospect
       Harris County

This is a 9,800’ TVD Cook Mountain test. It is trapped by a down-thrown 3-way structure overlain with a sub-regional CM channel system. Further, it has an amplitude that conforms to closure and a Type-3 AVO.  The prospect is 200’ high to the nearest production.


Reserves of 7 BCF and 100 MBO

The Big Easy Prospect
       Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana

This is a 12,000’ TVD, geo-pressured, Yegua test. The EY-1 channel system is trapped by buried, depositional faulting. The reservoir exhibits a strong Type-3 AVO that is comparable to the best completions in this trend. Oil yields are very high often exceeding 150 BO/MMCF.


Reserves of 5 BCF and 750 MBO


3.5 MMCFPD & 768 BOPD

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